10 changes in our life that will bring the 5G
The 5G comes and changes our lives in ways we may not have imagined. But what is the 5G and what are the areas that will see the major changes directly?
Here 5G, there 5G
But what is 5G and why is it so important? Although its coming is the main topic of discussion for some years, it seems that the questions that exist are more than answers, which is logical.The reason is that 5G is a prerequisite for any technology debate, both consumers and industry.
What is and how does 5G work?
The important thing to bring with it is the minimization of the delay with which the devices communicate with each other, which will dramatically increase the response speed and spur the network usage experience.
Unlike LTE, 5G operates in three different bandwidths. While this may not seem important, it will have a dramatic effect on everyday use.
Low band spectrum
The major disadvantage of this operating range is that it allows a very large area to cover. The downside is that the maximum data speed it can transfer will not exceed 100 Mbps. That is, the lowest speed that 5G can give is the same as the fastest speed we currently have in our country.
Medium bandwidth range
It provides faster coverage and a slower delay than you will find in the low zone. However, it fails to penetrate buildings as well as low band spectra. Expect maximum speeds up to 1 Gbps
The high-frequency spectrum is what most people think when thinking about 5G. It is often referred to as mmWave. The high-frequency spectrum can offer maximum speeds of up to 10 Gbps and has very low latency. The main disadvantage of the high band is that it has a low coverage area, which is covered with denser small cells, providing excellent speeds with low lag
10 changes in our life that will bring the 5G
- Experience of use and enormous speeds
This is what most users will experience, as very high speeds will change the way we are used to using the internet. The advantages of 5G are that it will not drop the speed when many users are connected at the same time in a hive, which is an unpleasant reality with the 4G.The downloading of movies and series, gaming and live streaming will be almost instantaneous, to the point that what we think of high-speed today will be completely obsolete.
2. Autonomous Vehicles

Can the stand-alone vehicles have made their presence on the streets, but the advent of 5G is expected to take off. A basic parameter of autonomous vehicle operation is the ability to send and receive commands and process data at zero time.
Once moving between people and other vehicles, they should be able to communicate directly with all systems, something that can not be done with today's systems but with 5G these obstacles disappear.
3. Smart cities
The debate on smart cities has long begun and has included situations that are heard from the most advanced books of science fiction.
What will allow us to do 5G is the control of a series of sensors connected to a central control point, which will count that one can imagine, from the exact light to turn the lamps on their own, until how many cars are parked at each point to organize public parking.
Apart from "commercial" uses, the sensors will be able to monitor sewer levels, forest temperatures, and contamination levels, warning early if there is a problem.
4. Public Security and Civil Protection
Although the location of sensors in sensitive locations for remote monitoring is not new, the amount and range of information that they can transmit so far are limited. With 5G, the capabilities are multiplied, making it more easy to keep track of it.
Sensors on bridges, forests, rivers, sewers, and roads will be able to send every minute information about the condition of the conditions and the problems to each infrastructure as if there were engineers at each point who are looking at each building and infrastructure and reporting.
5. Smart Homes

The advantages offered by the smart home have already begun and become visible and used for a long time, but with the 5G they will be launched. Remote control of devices, security systems that will transmit everything to our mobile phone in the office, smart devices that communicate with each other, all of which can be realized with the speed and range offered by the 5G.
Combined with increased broadband, our home can easily become a multimedia and entertainment center without any delay in transmitting and downloading information and entertainment content.
6. Remote machinery handling
Speaking of remote control devices, the industry will be one of the sectors that will benefit greatly from 5G, as the expansion of the "communication channel" with its machines allows remote control and manipulation.
For example, checking a machine or setting it up will not require a technician to travel anywhere in the world to do it, as he can do it from his office. This increases both the efficiency of the factories and the flexibility of the engineers.
This feature is so important that it has been the benchmark in every 5G system demo we have seen so far. Consumers may not see "profits" directly from it, but product production is expected to multiply its benefits.
7. Telemedicine
Industrial machinery is not the only one that can handle remotely, as it will be the same with medical devices.
With the use of 5G, it will be possible to perform remote interventions, which will save lives in remote areas or emergencies.
With just 1-2 doctors, remote residents will have access to almost all medical services, and in extraordinary cases or difficult cases access to specialist doctors will be much easier. With 5G, neither the doctor nor the patient will need to be afraid of connection problems, which in this case could be fatal.
8. Internet of Things
Another term that concerns public opinion and the media for a long time will get flesh and blood in 5G. It is estimated that the number of small or large devices connected and to local or remote control centers will have reached tens of billions by 2022.
If the number sounds enormous, count how many lamps in public or private buildings will be connected to light up when it starts and darkens. Or how many windows will open and close depending on the air.
How many air conditioners will start and stop depending on the weather, or how many millions of household appliances, parts of the smart home, will be able to communicate with each other via the internet?
How many air conditioners will start and stop depending on the weather, or how many millions of household appliances, parts of the smart home, will be able to communicate with each other via the internet?
9. Smart Agriculture and Livestock

Just as sensors will monitor everything in a city, the same can be done on a farm or a field. Counting everything from temperature, humidity, soil chemical composition, water, food, and weather conditions, farmers and stock farmers will be able to keep track of everything in real-time, even having a live connection to any potential point of their production.
In a hypothetical scenario where a sensor detects a problem, a drone is automatically commanded to get up and transmit an image live to the person who, at the touch of a button, can choose to treat it from a distance without having to he goes to the point.
Although there are already sensors that do this job, the 5G offers the speed and stability, in particular, to function without any problems in real-time, at the same time in greater sensitivity and quantity.
10. Linking people
Already people are increasingly using the internet to learn, to have fun and to communicate. We use it to educate children on the other side of the world, in places where the means are insufficient.
We use it to see and keep an eye on what is happening away from us with our own eyes, without interference.
We have certainly fallen into excesses and have developed cultures and behaviors that can even be characterized as antisocial, but these are the exceptions and side effects of an instrument and service that has dramatically changed our lives.
The main feature mentioned in almost all the above examples is speed and stability. Many of these are already being used, but the limitations of today's technology often lead to "network failure" and "service shutdown".
All of this will not exist with the 5G, or at least it should not exist. If we have to make a match with our everyday life, 5G is a huge, new, modern road network across the country, even the last pass. An "Attiki Odos" 10 lanes per direction in every part of the country, even in the last fishing village.
And now we have roads, and there are many cars on these streets. Trafficking is a daily routine, the quality of the road network is poor, the lighting virtually non-existent and the security it provides, rudimentary (not to say non-existent).
With 5G all this is changing, or at least it's a huge step in that direction. Infrastructure investments that are needed are also large, but not as prohibitive.
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